Title: Drawing battle lines
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Becker/Connor
Written for P100 challenge 339: Trick or Treat
AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance of many clichés, bad history and assorted unlikely shenanigans. Becker and Connor have finally talked. Becker wants a future. Connor thinks not. Continues from
AN2: Yes, I know. But it’s a romance. I’m not going to send them to Newgate.
“No, I don’t understand, Connor, explain it to me again,” snapped Becker. “Why can’t we be married? And don’t you dare utter the word ‘ruined’ or say you don’t love me!”
Connor gave him a shattered smile. “You want to marry me because it’s the honourable thing to do. I tricked you into pretending we were married once. That’s enough. I won’t destroy your future for a lie.”
Becker softened. “If it was a trick we both benefited. I love you. You’re the only future I want. Go home, if you must, but I will come for you. I promise.”