Jan 14, 2014 18:15
Title: Rumours
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Connor, team (Becker/Connor if you squint)
Written for P100 challenge 349: Self-control
It was Becker who first found out and started taunting Connor with his information. It was cruel. Becker, of all people, should know how Connor felt. And he never teased Becker about being called Hilary.
Connor was so upset that he didn’t even cheer up when Jess shared her bag of Maltesers.
Becker told Abby who told Matt who told Danny who told Lester who told Lorraine who told everyone else.
Still Connor was strong. He refused to acknowledge the whispers.
Finally he was home and safe. The new Dr Who was about to start and Connor remained completely unspoilt.