Title: Just Desserts: A Sir James Lester Mystery
Word count: 100
Characters: Lester, Christine
Rating: PG-12
Written for P100 challenge 412: Sticky Toffee Pudding
The papers would have a field day. The Minister had literally drowned in custard.
“He never knew when he’d outstayed his welcome,” Lady Christine’s insouciance would have fooled all but the most careful observer. “Will I be arrested?”
Sir James raised an eyebrow. “Should you be?”
“No.” She paused, uncharacteristically hesitant, “Does that surprise you?”
His response was instinctive, “It would surprise me to know you’d been so careless.”
She smiled. Was that relief? “Chef has disappeared.”
He met her gaze. She was fully capable of Byzantine plotting. “Then we find him. The proof, after all, is in the pudding.”