Primeval fic: Indulgence

Feb 09, 2016 22:15

Title: Indulgence

Word count: 100

Author: Stealingpennies

Characters: Emily/Matt

Rating: U
Written for P100 challenge 457: Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday


Matt’s stomach gurgled. It had been long and stressful day and they had missed supper. He was disappointed but mainly for Emily who had been looking forward to making pancakes.

“Sorry,” he said. “Now we’ll have to wait until after Easter.”

“Why?” asked Emily. “I know it’s after midnight but I’m hungry.”

“Ash Wednesday,” prompted Matt. “I assumed you’d be following tradition and giving up treats for Lent. I was going to offer to make toast.”


“No toast? No sacrifices?”

“No and no.” She began weighing flour and sugar. “We can eat what we want. I’m giving up guilt.”


primeval, emily/matt, drabble

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