I don't feel like working on my painting for studio art so here's pictures from April.
They're all from days that only had a few pictures. I'll go back to the last pictures from March this weekend maybe.
Isabel decided to lead us in prayer one day at lunch.
Ashley really liked her sermon.
"And thou shall genuflect in front of every Victoria's Secret ad thou sees for the rest thine life. To Tyra, thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory." Elyse: 3:11
I really like this picture.
Courtney really doesn't like it when Emily and Charlie fight...
The next day in French...
Michelle was... doing something, so Orlando subbed, aka popped a video in the VCR.
Liz didn't like the video and threatned to shoot Orlando if he didn't stop it.
We calmed her down, but left the video in.
Reminds me of that grotesque scene in Degrassi where JT cries and his head turns into a bowling pin.
Bree'Ann calls out Alyssa for always getting her in trouble.
Michelle made appearance to make sure it was the right tape. Or something.
I aint mad at her. Girlfriend's just doing her thang.
Arturo! We miss Arturo...
I was bored so I made an envelope out of this left over thing from studio art.
It's inspired by Isabel's sermon. I call it the Holy Messenger.
Here's the letter we made for Arturo.
He was glad to recieve it even though it's probably in the trash now.
Lunch the same day.
My Kate Moss head visited.
I sent it to Isabel.
It violently latched on to her face.
And everyone elses.
Even the unsucpecting.
In the end, Taylor's mighty hand defeated her and her quest for a host body.
The next day Ian and Ashley looked really Snapey at lunch.
(Ashley's atire and Ian's expression.)
I also accomplished my goal of getting pictures of April.
The best for last.
I thought it was funny. These are from like... 20 days later.
I like these pictures of Lauren.
Moody Izzy.
"We are the boys, we are the boys in motion"
"We give you our devotion"
More Snapeyness coming from Jack.
Lauren can't believe it's the Boys in Motion.
Ashley terrorizing Isabel.
Sasha doesn't seem to like what that hand's planning.
After French... We couldn't help it.
It was international day, I forgot to mention. In line with Izzy and Lauren to get our hands on the feast of international delicacies.
Sooooooo angsty.
Lord Voldemort.
He's reformed his evil ways.
And yet...
This looks like.. they'e gonna... yeah.
Lauren thinks it's funny.
UH-OH... is she scheming again?