Ex-American Idol contestant says 'contest' is rigged. Yes, the same people that bring you AI bring you So You Think You Can Dance. Do I think it's a coincidence Joshua won last year when he's pretty much perfect for the grand prize (a movie role)? Um, no. Do I think he deserved to win, and was shown in the best possible light to manipulate the
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Comments 5
I can this about tptb at the production company - though not about tptb for the individual shows. This is an international company that closed its American offices, laid off several thousand people in one fell swoop and gave the reason that it had no shows on-air or in pre-production to justify having a US presence.
Six months later, AI (a FreMantle production) went into production in Canada even though the show was for US consumption.* Three months after that, FreMantle re-opened its US offices with an entirely new staff, mostly made up of the very young, just out of college crowd, who had no claim to pensions etc. that the company was able to dump by getting rid of every employee who had been there for more than 15 years (which was a high percentage) through a massive layoff and decision to stop operating in the US a little less than a year prior ( ... )
Yes as a matter of fact, I am bitter ;) 9/11 was rough enough on us New Yorkers, having this happen 2 weeks later was more than devastating. Especially because it was so underhanded.
Can't help it. I still watch shows on Fox and I'm hooked on SYTYCD. But I don't make the mistake (I never have) of thinking it was an unbiased, true version of...anything.
After having the TV running 8 hours a day in the background, coming home to the same thing was just like being at work, so I gave it up (with a few notable exceptions of course ;). For the most part, I have a TV so we can play xBox, watch DVDs and occasionally catch a ReallyBadSciFi movie of the week.
I also learned, even before they became a trend, that Reality TV Isn't. There's just as much scripting as for a SitCom or a Drama, there just isn't any dialogue scripted. Which is how they get around paying union scale for writers. ;)
I don't preach, and it doesn't bother me that other people watch or anything. TV just really isn't for me anymore. I'd rather waste time on the intarwebs. At least then I'm sort of interacting and not just passively watching lol.
We've been mostly on a downhill slide ever since. ;)
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