So, I've finally done the digital thing and set myself up a Flickr page. You can go peer at my photos
here. So far, I've gotten a chunk of the Camperdown Cemetery ones up; there'll be more as I get time to scan, and a chance to swipe Michael's laptop to use photoshop.
Feedback appreciated, unless it's mindless nastiness.
Comments 5
BTW, in Sydney at the end of Silly Drunk People in Frocks, Hats and Heels (i.e. Melbourne cup) week. Interested in coffee/dinner?
And sure - let me know when.
Love the bamboo shot too. What were you shooting B+W on?
I got seduced into a pro account when I saw these and wanted to go for the 10 card trial ... *blush*
In Sydney 8th-10th of November for a course at IBM in the City
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