but these are days we dream about when the sunlight paints us gold.

Nov 25, 2008 13:26

yesterday was mine and thom's 5 year anniversary... and i just let it pass without a thought.
i don't like the way life changes and we lose people that are supposed to be our other halves....
how do i afford a plane ticket to london?!?!

i did have a beautiful nite last nite. a double date dinner party. rebekka and manley, me and cole. rebekka made a huge vegan dinner. and even made us truffles. larissia came after dinner. we played games, planned weddings, watched vampires. figure ourselves and each other out. i'm some kind of starfruit leemer flamingo.
this morning rebekka and i figured out that i'm 2 years old. i drank out of the baby cup and was a dumb baby. and am going to be wearing nothing but baby clothes soon. then i went to breakfast with kelly and shuff and spencer brown.
he's making me the best present.

i'm still sad.
i miss you and your feeting and our secret dancing and our going for 5 and party walks. and when you used to suck blood out of my pores and blow into my nose and my mouth and my ears.
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