Telectroscope Pics

May 24, 2008 20:52

Hi, I've just kinda lurked up until now, but with so many people talking about the Telectroscope and no one actually going and reporting on it, I thought I’d go and report back. I went in the middle of the day today, a Saturday, and the line was only about 4 minuets long to look through. They had small whiteboards you could write on and show the people in London. Be warned though, they tend to rush you if there is a line at all you’ll get maybe a minuet in front of the thing before they move you along so the next person can take a look. You can wave, show your sign, and that’s about it. The staff were constantly warning people not to get too close or touch the Telectroscope, so if you were thinking about licking it or something forget about it. It’s in a very popular spot, there were people taking wedding photos against the Manhattan backdrop, as well as a huge line for some ice-cream store. Getting good clear pictures of the thing from any distance is a challenge.

When you are walking up to it you see it from the back, it looks like a giant beehive.

Once you get closer you start to see it for what it is.

There are no rails or anything so you can get a good look at it.

They have all kinds of neat looking parts on top.

I was a little disappointed to see that the staff was just in t-shirts with the name of the thing on the front. I would have liked to see some people acting the part, but oh well.

This was right before my friend got a warning about not touching anything. You can get right up to it, but make any move to actually touch it and the staff give you a “No, bad dog” Treatment.

I’m pretty sure that’s the door to work on the equipment inside or something.

Close ups of some of the parts.

I wish I could have gotten pictures of what it looks like actually looking in, but all the camera would see was the surface reflection of the people on our side.

Anyway, that’s it in a nutshell. All in all it was fun to go see, but I wish I could have had some time alone with it. I wanted to play tic tac toe with someone in London.

photos, art, mechanicals

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