Jul 03, 2008 01:51

quick reference.
  • Age Requirement
  • Character Limit
  • Godmodding
  • R/NC-17 Posts
  • OOC =/= IC
  • Tagging
  • Proper grammar/English
  • Shipping
  • No Mary Sues/Gary Stues
  • Stay IC
  • Activity Check

    • Age Requirement
    Due to the mature content of this roleplaying game, we require all players be at least 16 years of age. However, characters of all ages will be allowed into the institution, as long as they are out of diapers.

    • Character Limit
    When first starting out at stedelweiss, you can have up to three characters, and only two from the same fandom, which may not be closely related.

    • Godmodding
    Under no circumstances are you to control another character without the mun's permission or consent.

    • R/NC-17 Posts
    Posts containing heavy drugs, violence, or sexual situations are to be friends-locked and explicitly labeled as mature content.

    • OOC =/= IC
    No drama, thanks. Please keep in-character and out-of-character situations separate. If wank does occur, do not add fuel to the fire. Leave it be, and let the moderators handle it. If you are feeling uncomfortable because of another player, please let the mods know so they can deal with it accordingly.

    • Tagging
    When posting logs in stedelweisslogs please take the time to tag correctly, including both the full name of all the characters included, and the location the log is taking place in using a system of place - name of location here. If you are posting an entry in stedelweiss, you need only include the name of the character doing the posting.

    • Proper grammar/English
    This means correct spelling/grammar/punctuation most of the time, no internet lingo, etc. You got in on good English, so let's keep it that way!

    • Shipping
    All ships were created equal, etc.-- however, St. Edelweiss Institution is not a location in which romance is the main plot point. Nevertheless, side-plots are always supported, as is branching out to other fandoms. All sexualities, genders, 'philiacs are generally accepted if IC. Do, however, consider that the setting is 1892, Switzerland, in an asylum close to a secluded village. Just because we are fine with it does not mean that certain behaviors, both on staff and patient side, will not lead to IC consequences.

    • No Mary Sues/Gary Stus
    Considering that this is a mental institution, it would be quite unrealistic for Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus to be traversing the halls. Every human being has a flaw or ten, and as we want characters to be as realistic as possible, applications will be denied or asked to be revised if we feel your character does not meet these standards.

    • Stay IC
    If you were accepted, it means we think you have a full grasp of your character, and know how to handle him/her/it well. This means you should be capable of staying in-character throughout gameplay. If we believe something is off you will be notified via email. This does not, however, mean that we don't like character development! Therefore, this will be dealt with mostly on a case-by-case basis.

    • Activity Check
    Once every month there will be an activity check in which you will be required to post activity for each character to make sure you're staying active in the game. After you've passed your first activity check, you will be eligible for two more characters, to make for a total of five!



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