Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Does
sollyman1217 smoke? lol no
2) Are
stina_89 and
sexyalex_69 going out? lol no not even if they were lesbians! they'd fight too much lol
3) Is
happybunny14 an emo? nope
4) Is
superflybs introverted or extroverted? probably more introverted but he's still social enough to be considered extroverted
5) Is
superflybs friends with
sollyman1217? at least acquaintences
6) When did you last call
sk8thespa? a year ago?
7) Does
happybunny14 drink? nope
8) If
superflybs and
sollyman1217 were spliced together, what would be its name? schuyllymon
9) Does
sk8thespa have a crush on
stina_89? of course! jk jk
10) Do you have a crush on
stina_89? i'm straight
11) What rank would
happybunny14 have in a giant robot army? first in command?
12) Does
happybunny14 travel a lot? not really i don't thi nk
13) What animal does
stina_89 remind you of? penguin?
14) What is
happybunny14's shoe size? probably a six since she's small
15) If
sollyman1217 took over the world, who would suffer? he's too nice to take over the world
16) Is
superflybs a college student? he's probably taking a few college classes
17) If
happybunny14 took over the world, who would be happy? i don't know...her friends?
18) How many monkeys could
sexyalex_69 fight at once and win against? 87454687451468!
19) What would
happybunny14 give
superflybs for his/her birthday? a hug?
20) Does
sollyman1217 have a dog? yes he does
21) Have you flirted with
superflybs? sure?
22) Did
superflybs break up with you? lol no?
23) Is
sexyalex_69 a high school student? yes she is
24) What is
sexyalex_69 allergic to? ??
25) What comic book character would
sexyalex_69 be? wonder woman! lol
26) What is
sexyalex_69's favorite movie? anything w/jonny depp
27) Would
sk8thespa and
superflybs look good together? o yeah...
28) Is
sk8thespa a nerd? complet opposite
29) Is
sexyalex_69 your best friend? she's a good friend
30) Would you make out with
sollyman1217? prolly hug...don'tknow about make out...
31) Is
sexyalex_69 1337? no she's...8532
32) What is
sk8thespa's favorite game? probably skating
33) If
sollyman1217 had a superpower, what would it be? control people's minds
34) What flavor of jello would
sexyalex_69 be? strawberry
35) What is
sk8thespa's favorite food? fetuccini alfredo