Thanks Steph! It was great to see you too! I hope you enjoyed your movie. I'm bummed we never got to hang out much last year, but I really want to come see u guys at mads, and maybe when I'm in town we can do something fun. Keep in touch!
I'll try, but no promises. I don't even really know how to get there! You will for sure be a priority next time. Sorry about the miscommunication tho...I seriously thought you were going to call me. Thanks for the pig picture too by the way, it's a lot cooler then Zelda, altho it kinda freaks me out. Actually, my dad used to read me this book about animals, anfd there was one page where the animals were mixed up, and for some reason I always laughed for like hours at the pig w/ wings. Isn't that cute? Anyawy, I really appreciate the flying pig! Now, does my home page still have to say you are sexy??? ;)
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