-- they call me: Steff orr halls sister
-- Birthdate: March 2nd
-- Current Location: Newmarket
-- Eye Color: haazel
-- Hair Color: blonde
-- Height: 5'6
-- Righty or Lefty: Right
-- Zodiac Sign: Pieces
-- Your heritage: Half scotish and some native and french
-- Your weakness: pick up lines
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: hmm university?
-- Your most overused phrases: riight on..
-- Your thoughts first waking up: what time is it
-- Your best physical feature: uhhmm no clue
-- Pepsi or Coke: defiently pepsi
-- McDonalds or Burger King: Mcdonalds..who goes to burger king
-- Single or group dates: either orrr
-- Adidas or Nike: nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Coffeeee
-- Smoke: noope
-- Cuss: whats that?
-- Sing: only in brits car
-- Take a shower everyday: just before bed.. or before going ouut
-- Have a crush(es): oh yes
-- Do you think you've been in love: ive been infactuated
-- Want to get married: defiently
-- Believe in yourself: suure
-- Get motion sickness: nope.
-- Think you're attractive: im not unhappy with my loooks
-- Think you're a health freak: not freak but im healthy
-- Get along with your parents: better with the father
-- Like thunderstorms: i like napping during them
LEVEL SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: oh yes
-- Smoked: negative
-- Gone to the mall: the what?
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not yet
-- Eaten sushi: im scared of fish
-- Been on stage: yeah
-- Gone skating: not for several years
-- Made homemade cookies: all the time for andrew
-- Gone skinny dipping: sure.
-- Dyed your hair: allll natural
-- Stolen anything: not from a store
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: uh huh
-- Been called a tease: once or twice
-- Gotten beaten up: yess
-- Changed who you were to fit in: if you say no your lying
LEVEL NINE: In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color? bluue
-- Best hair color? light brown/ blonde
-- Short or long hair: short
-- Height: uhm taller then mee
-- Best weight: ah as long as theyre not super skinny
-- Best articles of clothing: polos with popped collars
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: ive tried it once
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: uh like 3
-- Number of CDs: uhhmm like 30-40?
-- Number of piercings: twwo
-- Number of tattoos: zeeero
-- Number of scars on my body: nonee
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: i can only think of one
What color pants are you wearing?: jeans
What color shirt are you wearing?: blaack
What song are you listening to?: fix you- coldplay
Whats the taste in your mouth?: diet pepsi
Whats the weather like?: hot and sticky
How are you?: excited :O
Broken the law?: hm sorta
Snuck out of the house?: oh yes
Made a prank phone call?: .hahah yaah
Ever tipped over a porter potty?:cant say i have
Used your parent's credit card?: yepp
Ditched school before?: uh huh
Fell asleep on the shower/bath?: hah yesss
Been in a school play?: dont think soo..not recently
Let a friend cry on your shoulder?: yepp
Sexuality: sstraight
Been in love?: not yet
Your greatest regret?: hm i learn from my mistakes
One of your friend's that you would date if you could?: thats not the way i rolll
Do you have a job?: yes at glenway
Your CD player has in right now: britney spears
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: pink
What makes you happy?: being kept occupied..(not being bored)
What's the next CD that your going to get?: Black eyed peas
Who do you consider good friends?: im not a name droppper
What do you like to do?: drink .. party.. go on random adventures with brit
time you cried? err yesterday
got a real letter?: i got one from muskoka woods the other day
you got a email?: toooday
thing you purchased?: i bought flip flops today
movie you saw last?: wedding date... best movie everr i reccomend everyone go rent it right now