Day 07 - 04 gifs of your favorite show

Mar 02, 2011 23:49

TV Shows : 10 days challenge

10 TV shows you like the most
09 characters you love
08 couples you ship
07 best episodes
06 worst villains
05 best actors/actresses
→ 04 gifs of your favorite show
03 screencaps you like
02 songs played that you can’t get tired of
01 quote that changed your life

Taken from heckyeahtumblrchallenges on Tumblr (obviously.)

Day 07 - 04 gifs of your favorite shows

→ Lindsay Dole throwing her case file at judge Hiller. BEST.SCENE.EVER.

→ Gillian Foster, lying. Very convincing, indeed.

→ Castle & Beckett, first real hug.

→ The X Files. Funniest moment ever, on the most WTF episode ever.

Made by me :

meme : tv meme

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