
Apr 20, 2007 19:23

some people are big into their own birthdays, and that's cool. i am not one of those people. i don't like broadcasting to the world when my birthday is, and that's just the way i am. i don't really know how this came about because i used to look forward to my birthday when i was younger. i used to look forward to having parties and having all ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

cumaeanleaf April 23 2007, 02:44:51 UTC
holy crap! i totally forgot about the stealing thing at assumption. didn't that happen to a few people that year?? so weird.


steinygees April 23 2007, 04:34:50 UTC
i think i remember something like that happening... but i don't know if it was the same time that it happened to me. although i do have to say that ms. knopf chased me down from the english room to senior hall during locker break (the one time i ignored someone yelling 'christina' because i assumed they were talking to one of the 50 other christina's (or kristina or cristina) in our class), and she asked me if someone had stolen my money... so i guess i figured it out before lunch... anyway, i told her how much money was taken, and later that day ms. baughman took me out of class (i think it was mythology.. hehe... mythology...) and paid me back... so i guess that birthday didn't end so badly after all... oh.. and i have to say that my 21st birthday wasn't nonexistent entirely.. because nathan, lyle, and doobie (?) waddled into my room like penguins to say happy birthday, and that made me happy =)


gracefoolmarina April 28 2007, 03:06:24 UTC
Yeah! how could you forget the penguin happiness?! Even I remembered that! Congrats. We're old.


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