Anyway, I've received an invitation within the last few hours from my Friends in High Places to attend an advance screening of King Arthur on Tuesday night. I accepted the invitation, so it'll be interesting to see how the movie turns out. It doesn't look too great, frankly, but I won't be paying any money to see it, so consider me content. It can't be as stupid as the last advance screening I attended (The Chronicles of Riddick), can it? ...Well?
Comments 2
Anyway, I've received an invitation within the last few hours from my Friends in High Places to attend an advance screening of King Arthur on Tuesday night. I accepted the invitation, so it'll be interesting to see how the movie turns out. It doesn't look too great, frankly, but I won't be paying any money to see it, so consider me content. It can't be as stupid as the last advance screening I attended (The Chronicles of Riddick), can it? ...Well?
"June 28"? LJ, or Yahoo, has a bit of a delay, it would seem.
Glad someone caught it. =:D
It can't be as stupid as the last advance screening I attended (The Chronicles of Riddick), can it? ...Well?
And yet, it turns out it did. ;)
(Not that I've seen either flick.)
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