Welcome to Challenge 15! This challenge focuses on Stella in Blink. I noticed we never did a season 1 Stella ep, and thought what better way to start with her first episode (non counting the backdoor pilot from Miami). Not a lot of caps, sorry, as I couldn't do them myself. But, as always, you can use your own caps, as long as they are from this episode.
Caps provided by
- the icons have to meet LJ standards, which means no bigger than 100x100 and 40 KB, allowed formats are .gif, .jpg, .png
- you may enter up to 4 icons
- the icons you enter have to be new and made by you
- don't post the icons anywhere before the voting results have been posted
- animations and blending aren't allowed (you may use one picture multiple times in the icon though)
- text, brushes, textures etc. are allowed and encouraged
- there may be other people in the icon, but please try to keep the focus on Stella
- the deadline for submission is Saturday, JUNE 13th, about 10pm GMT
entries so far: 06
Also, we don't have enough votes for the previous challenge, so if you could please
VOTE HERE! Thank you!