It's nearing that time of the year, so I'm collecting data for sending out Christmas cards. If you want one, simply fill out the handy poll or leave a comment (which are screened). Even if we don't know each other much or barely interact, please do sign up.
To spread some more positivity, I thought I'd offer for you to sign up a friend (or more) and/or family member who you think deserves a card as well. Which I would then send out anonymously. But then I realized that most people are probably not comfortable giving out someone else's address. :D So I'm still offering, but if you don't want to give me your friend's address, just tell me their name(s), and I will send you the card to pass it on. If you're sending it from Germany, I'll even stick a stamp on it. I have no foreing stamps, so if you're sending it from somewhere else, you'll have to provide your own.
Poll Christmas cards signup