(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 21:44

Ok so I feel compelled to post, since obviously America is obsessed with Terri Schiavo right now. First of all, the protesters have gone fucking nuts. I don't care who you are, you do not have the right to go into someone's neighborhood and harass them for no better reason than you are pissed off. These are not people even involved with the case; they are simply unfortunate enough to live or work on the same street. Some protester yelled at a guy who owned a garage for working on Sunday! What the hell. Also, attempting to hire a hitman to kill Michael Schiavo is not only stupid, it makes you and the cause you stand for look stupid. And it makes you worse than him, he is a living, conscious, interactive, thinking being. So.... life is sacred eh?

Also, I was reading that her parents have now abandoned Terri at the Hospice and do not intend to go back because it is too hard. I understand that it is hard, but if she is alive as they claim she is, shouldn't her family be there when she passes, so she is not alone? Talk about a feeling of abandonment (that is, using their claim she knows what is going on). I don't think I could leave any of my family members alone if I knew their death was imminent, even if I didn't know if they were aware of their surroundings. I guess the argument is that they don't want to remember her at the worst, but I think being there for your family is more important, and sometimes you have to sacrifice.

It is so bizarre to me that this is such a big deal. People are removed from life-sustaining support every day, and the decision is never easy. Imagine how this is going to change things for those who make the decision to remove their loved ones from this support in the near future. Everyone is so hyped up, chances are many will be made to be villians. How sad.
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