Urrghhh I am so bored.....where is Tyler???
Time started: 8:02
Sex: female
Birthday: jan 22 1988
Siblings: two
Eye color: blue
Shoe size: 8
Height: 5'3
What are you wearing: jeans, duq hoodie
Where do you live: pittsburgh
Righty or lefty: righty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: yes
Who are your closest friends: lacey
Where is your fav place to shop: robinson
Favorite kind of plant: ummm a flower?
Fave Color: blue and pink
Fave Number: 22
Fave Boys Name: Faggo
Fave Girls Name: Homo
Fave Sport: football
Fave Month: june
Movies: i dont know
Juice: pineapple?
Finger: my pinky!
Breakfast food: waffle smiles from eat n park
Favorite cartoon character: i dont know
Given anyone a bath: my sister when she was little
Smoked: yeah
Made yourself throw-up: no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Eaten a dog: ew jesus no
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: yes!!
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
Broken a bone?: no
Played truth or dare: yeah
Been in a physical fight: no
Been in a police car: nope
Been on a plane: yep
Come close to dying: no
Been in a sauna: yes
Been in a hot tub: yes i love the hubhub!
Cried when someone died: yes
Cried in school: once. it was bad.
Fell off your chair: haha
Wait for someone's phone call all night: not without falling asleep
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: hm....yeahhh.
Saved e-mails: yep
Fallen for one of your best friends: eh no
Made out with JUST a friend?: yeahh
Used someone: yes lol
What is...
Whats your good luck charm? no
Best song you ever heard: i dont know
What's your bedroom like: messy at the moment
Last thing you said: bye
What is beside you? my phone
Last thing you ate: chinese
What kind of shampoo do you use?: i use dove now
Best thing that has happened to you this year: jeez i dont know
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: ehhhh...
Have you had...
Chicken pox: no
Sore Throat: yes a lot
Stitches: no
Broken nose: no
Do You.
Believe in love at first sight: no
Like school: no
What schools have you gone to: blackhawk, ambridge, duquesne
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: ew. no.
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with
you: lacey tyler and ryan....and max too
Who was the last person that called you: my mom
Who was the last person you slow danced with: scott at prom
What makes you laugh the most?: i dont knowww
What makes you smile? lacey does food really make you smile? lol
Last Person..
You yelled at: randy
Who broke your heart:? fuck that
Told you that they love you: lacey just did lol
Is your loudest friend: dan! ....and yes you really are that loud
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out? yes
Do you wear contacts or glasses: both
Do you like yourself: no i HATE myself
Do you get along with your family: yes
Stolen anything over $50: no
Obsessive Compulsive?: NO
Anorexic?: no.
Suicidal? no.
Final questions
What are you listening to right now? some rap that's playing on lacey's itunes
What did you do yesterday: took the bus home, almost got raped in the middle of a busy intersection, was grumpy, and thats it
Have you hated someone in your family: no
Got any awards: ....uh, honor roll. lame.
What car do you wish to have: mini cooper
Where do you want to get married: in a dungeon with chains and whips
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: skinnier or taller
Good driver: no not really
Good Singer: no lol
Have a lava lamp: yeah but i think its broken
How many remote controls are in your house: i dont know. who cares?
Are you double jointed: no
What do you dream about: death and destruction
Last time you showered: morning.
Last time you took a bath: awww :( too long ago. i love those.
Scary or happy movies: happy
Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: dr pepper
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: jello!
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
Summer or winter: both, i love snow
Silver or Gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Sprite or 7up: sprite
Cats or dogs: awww both!
Coffee or tea: coffee
Phone or in person: depends who it is and how much i want to talk to them ha
Indoor or outdoor: in, unless there's something really cool happening outside
End Time: 8:19