Well when my dad thought for the worst in divorce with my mom, my mom was devastated. He called her up and said he is leaving her....and leaves a note and says at the end "God Speed"....and the same day my sister moved out. So my mom stayed in the bathroom all night and I was right by her side. But my dad ended up moving back in, and they talked and everything seems fine now...I think because we all wrote my dad a note (all 5 kids) saying mommy still loves you, and we want you back home. He broke our family apart because he was with this gold digger lady. My mom contiuously begged for him back........Oh yeah we found out the ladies number, and I called her and left a voicemail on her answering maching screaming at her saying she ruined our family and should rot in hell.LoL I was proud of myself... It was very nice....But I guess actually sit down with your mom and talk to her. Not emails because to this day that is all my dad and me have communication with eachother because I could and never can talk to him face to face...we just talk
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