my bodys too UNbootylicious for you babe.
today was G A Y *said GEE AAAAAAAAAAAY WHY*
mr.bagel got so fucking mad at us bc we were all like falling asleep. and he gave us THE HARDEST quiz ever. it was like, WHAT PERCENT OF A CAN IS MADE TO PRODUCE ELECTRICITY *blank stare* (bangs head on desk). and we had JUST read the quiz. and if we wouldnt of all been sleeping, he wouldnt of counted it. which means i am going to get a ZERO. which means my grade will not be too dandy.
- i love hawthorne heights. the screaming makes me climax. yumyumyum. okay that end.
the only funny thing was math, where kaleigh and i partied it up. and i got EXCITED about this one problem. and in spanish we were doing our chant, and AARON was like busting a chop he was chanting so loudly.
bessy is rubbing my arm and sitting on the keyboard, so it is quite hard to shes mi gato! shes HAWT
ps. im putting a picture on here, so ya'll will comment
hottest man ever