because i am hip and trendy, i feel the need to do the whole friend list dealio. guess which # you are!
here goes.
1 x one of my girls! we met through another friend. i feel like i've known you forever. i wish we hung out more. i love you! & hearts;
2 x too easy..ryan smith went downhill. you have a tramp. ru.
3 x i don't really know you. but you like good music and have nice curly hair!
4 x my concert buddy! we tried to plan you a trip to oshawa but it never worked out. we were pen pals for a while. i haven't seen you in a long time, and i miss you!
5 x i think i talked to you once. or not. you're friends with some of my friends and seem like a cool guy. i see you when i take the bus in the mornings
6 x one cool ass dude who gets me cds before their release date. d. bro.
7 x you work with my friend. (i think) you're straightedge, but don't preach it, which is hella cool with me. you're crazy.
8 x another one of my girls :) you don't get to join our adventures much cause of your crazy 'rents. but i highly enjoy the time we spend together. we need more of it. <3 !!!
9 x i don't know you that well. i see you with p.t. rob a lot. i like your style!
10 x i call you something that rhymes with banana. you're always quiet when i meet you, which has only been a couple times. (edgefest, finger eleven and incubus i believe). but i like you!
11 x you're a really smart guy and i feel intimidated to get into arguments with you. i enjoy our conversations though. *edit* one day we will be married and make beautiful children.
12 x you don't go to my school anymore. i miss seeing you everyday and our hanging out. we went out for icecream once and you're lots of fun.
13 x we were once one egg
14 x al:"does anyone know what highway we're on!?" you: "the trans canada!" al: "nope, the trans canada highway!" one of the funnest people i've ever met. no joke. keep on being cool.
15 x you came to o'neill for a bit. you're one of the most original people i know and i miss hanging out! if you move to oshawa, i'm walking to your house.
let's hear it for not studying
i've done enough.
♥ sarah