A Fry Cook on Venus

Feb 21, 2011 02:41

Ferris Bueller's Day Off was on TV this morning and I got sucked into watching it. As I was watching I realized several things I'd never noticed before:

1. Charlie Sheen real life foreshadowing -
Charlie Sheen: Drugs?
Jeannie: Thank you, no. I'm straight.
Charlie Sheen: I meant, are you in here for drugs?
Jeannie: Why are you here?
Charlie Sheen: Drugs.

2. In the 80's, principals apparently didn't care about causing or reporting felonies as long as they caught truants-
Ferris (looking like a young Inspector Gadget) comes to pick up Sloane posing as her dad. They make out. Principal Rooney's only response to father-daughter incest,"So THAT's how it is in their family..."
He runs around all day, breaking and entering, trying to catch one kid who is skipping school. Don't they have cops for that? I know our school did. My principal never took that much of an interest in me, even when I was dropping out. I think the most I got was the guidance counselor looking at me sad.

3.I still love the Ferris is a figment of Cameron's mind theory. It just works so well.
Word of warning when clicking on link- cracked.com is much like tvtropes.com as a time-suck. I just went to find this one article, I've been on the site for 3 hours now.

4. Ferris/Sloane/Cameron 4ever! They just work so well as a threesome. So now I'm going to go look for fic about them.
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