fic: Oblivion (4/?) (H50 Season 5 Coda Series)

Oct 18, 2014 21:11

Title: Oblivion
Author: stellarmeadow
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Paring: Steve/Danny
Rating: NC17
Summary: Season 5 coda series - think of it as Season 5 canon with a twist....
Notes: Chapter 4 - coda for ep 504. Missed previous chapters? Read them here:

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

From the moment he'd gotten back down the stairs, gun in hand, covering his partner as always, Steve had barely taken his eyes off Danny. They were in the car before Danny said a word. "I, uh...we should do something about...that," he said, waving a hand back towards the bloodbath they'd just walked away from.

"I'll take care of it," Steve said.

Danny's laugh bordered on hysteria. "You'll take care of it?" he said, scrubbing a hand over his face, more of that laugh bubbling up from his throat. The sound hurt to listen to. "We're not even supposed to be here. But let me guess, you know a guy?"

"Several, actually." He did still have contacts here--the Hesse brothers had spent a stint in Colombia in 2008, and Steve had made a few friends. A couple of them still owed him.

Not that it mattered--he'd pay another drug lord to take care of it if that's what it took.

"Of course you do."

He'd do a hell of a lot more than handle the situation if it would stop that laughter. Steve put a hand on Danny's shoulder until Danny looked at him. "You okay?"

The hints of laughter still lurking in Danny's eyes faded, and Danny nodded. "Yeah," he said, straightening up in his seat and putting his seat belt on. "I'm good."

He was so far from good it wasn't even funny, but he'd pulled it together enough to make it to the air strip and get on the plane. That's all Steve needed from him right now.


The cargo plane he'd managed to 'borrow' again, along with a couple of good friends who were pilots, was waiting for them at the air strip. They loaded everything onto the plane, and Steve watched Danny strap himself into the chair. "Let me just go check in with Digger," Steve said, putting a hand on Danny's shoulder again. "I'll be right back."

Danny nodded, so Steve went up to the cockpit and closed the door. "Thanks again," he said to Digger and to Casper, watching as they went through the final preflight check.

"Hey, I owe you," Digger said. "We both do."

"A flight to Cambodia and now Colombia?" Steve said, laughing a little. "I think you've paid your debt."

Digger laughed back. "We'll see if you still think that the next time you need a favor."

"Listen," he said, his voice barely loud enough to be heard over the engines, "my partner got some bad news here. I don't know how he's gonna take it, so if you hear some yelling or...anything, just stay up here, okay?"

"Nobody's gonna get hurt, right?" Casper said.

"No. It's not like that," Steve said, though he couldn't really make any promises. "He's just kind of...loud. There might be yelling," Steve said. "A lot of yelling."

"Got it," Digger said. "Let him yell his head off if he wants."

"Thanks," Steve said.

He turned, shutting the door behind him and joining Danny in the cargo hold, taking the only other seat, facing Danny. He wished he'd thought to tell Digger to take that one out and not the one beside Danny's when he'd called, not wanting the third empty seat to remind Danny of what happened--as if that was going to fix everything.

Danny stared at a spot just over Steve's shoulder, seeing God only knew what in his own head as they took off. Steve wanted to say something, do something to distract Danny from nothing but the thoughts and images he knew were swirling around in Danny's brain for the next twelve hours, but he wasn't sure what.

Danny had done the right thing, Steve had no doubt about it. He'd had no other choice. Reyes was never going to get justice or pay for what he'd done, but beyond that, he'd threatened Grace. Once that had happened, there'd been no doubt about the outcome, it was just whether they'd manage it right then, or have to come back and take care of him later.

They were not leaving Colombia with Reyes alive.

But Steve also knew what it was like to wrestle with killing an unarmed man, even when it was the only course of action. It went against every noble instinct that made them go into law enforcement and the military, and understanding the need for it didn't make it easier. The grim satisfaction of ridding humanity of someone intent on doing it harm helped a little, but it didn't make the faces go away.

Steve could still call up every assignment he'd had as a sniper without having to think about it.

It led to a lot of sleepless nights on bad days, and he hadn't even known the people his targets were responsible for murdering, or worse. He'd always maintained that the moment it got easy was the moment he needed to get out, but he'd gone into a different line in the Navy and hadn't had to do a lot more of those assignments.

He hadn't complained.

The plane leveled off, and Steve unbuckled his seat belt and his seat and moved it over beside Danny, latching it in place before sitting back down. "You didn't have a choice," Steve said after a moment.

"I know."

"He threatened Grace."

"I know."

Steve studied Danny's profile, the way he sat there, still as a stone, staring straight ahead. "Do you?" Steve said at last.

Danny turned his head and blinked at him. "Do I what?"

"Know that you had no choice. I mean really know it."

Danny shrugged. "What difference does it make whether I had no choice?" he said. "My brother's still dead."

He'd seen a few tears in Danny's eyes right afterwards, but there were none now. Danny's eyes were dry and red. "But you're not. You're safe. Grace is safe."


The word was soft, almost a breath more than a word, as Danny looked down at his hands. Steve wanted to do something, wanted--no, needed to get through to Danny and help. He covered Danny's hands with one of his own. "You had no choice," he said again.

Danny's head snapped up. "You think that makes a difference?" he said, the tone as much as the volume making Steve wince. "I'm just supposed to say, 'hey, this guy might someday come back and hurt my family, so clearly I have to murder him in cold blood?'"


He shrugged, his mouth turned down in an exaggerated frown. "I mean, the guy had it coming, right? So sure, why not just put a bullet between his eyes?"


Steve squeezed Danny's hands, but he jerked them out from Steve's grip, unbuckling his seatbelt and all but jumping out of the seat to pace across the plane. "I'm glad you think this is just so easy to slot away in a neat little compartment and forget about, Steve," Danny said, biting the words off like they hurt, "but the rest of us? Us mere mortals? We're not quite as quick to file it under 'necessary murder' and just let it go, okay? It takes a little while to not see someone's face as a before and after with a bullet in it!"

Steve got up and stopped Danny in his tracks, letting out a shaky breath before he reached out and just hauled him in, Steve's arms going around him and holding tight, not letting go no matter how much Danny tried to get loose.

A patch of turbulence jarred them just enough that Steve couldn't keep them both on their feet. He controlled their landing as best he could, taking the brunt of the fall and cushioning Danny by letting him land mostly on top of Steve's body.

Danny had taken more than enough blows for one day.

The air smoothed, and Danny raised his head just enough to look Steve in the eye. The shadows that Steve could see lurking in the back of Danny's gaze hurt, like a physical pain, and if it felt that way to Steve, he couldn't imagine the way it felt to be Danny right now.

Something in Danny's face shifted, though, and Steve recognized that look a split second before Danny's mouth was on his, hard and demanding. His hands were moving between their bodies, getting both of their pants undone before Steve could do much more than grip Danny's thighs, just below his ass, to help him raise up enough to manage it.

Danny's mouth was relentless on Steve's neck, as his hand grabbed both their cocks, still enough sweat from the heat of Colombia and the physical exertion to make the friction stay just on the right side of painful. He felt Danny's teeth all over, tingling spots that he suspected would end up looking like angry marks before they landed.

Steve pushed up into Danny's hand as Danny's mouth lingered on Steve's collarbone, sucking at it like he was trying to somehow transmit some of his pain out of his own body, make it bearable by sharing it. Steve was fine with that--if he'd been able to get rid of the two goons who'd waylaid him a little longer than Danny's had, he'd have gladly been the one to shoot Reyes between the eyes.

But he hadn't, and Danny had deserved the choice, even if Steve would have rather taken that burden himself. He knew how to bear it so much better, knew how to handle the fallout to come, if only because he had more practice.

He wished he could have spared Danny that.

But he couldn't. He could, however, take whatever Danny wanted to dish out, in the form of bites down the middle of Steve's chest, moving lower until Danny reached Steve's dick, his mouth covering it quickly, demanding nothing less than total surrender.

Steve got it. Danny couldn't control himself, so he was searching for something, someone he could control. Fine by Steve.

He let Danny have it, doing his best to push against Danny's strong hands that kept him in place no matter what, letting him have the noises that Steve really couldn't keep quiet anyway, not under this kind of assault. Danny's mouth was hot and wet and amazing, and Steve didn't want this to end, but he couldn't stop himself, Danny's relentless attack pulling Steve's orgasm out of him well before he was ready for it to end.

Danny drank him down like it was nothing, not missing a beat, and Steve wondered just where Danny had learned that. He brushed that thought aside--this was sex, pure and simple, a coping mechanism. It didn't matter where Danny had learned to suck cock like a pro. All that mattered was how fucking good it felt when he used that skill on Steve.

Steve had just about caught his breath when Danny moved, shuffling his way up Steve's body on his knees, his dick standing out from his body, making Steve's mouth water even before it brushed his lips. Steve raised his arms above his head to accommodate Danny, and Danny leaned over, grabbing both of Steve's wrists with one hand and pinning them to the ground.

His dick slipped into Steve's mouth, a little tentative at first as it found its way, then thrusting with increasing surety, Danny's eyes dark and hooded, intent on watching his dick disappear behind Steve's lips over and over.

Steve had instantly shifted to accommodate Danny's actions, skills he hadn't used in years coming back to him as easily as if he'd done it yesterday. He felt almost guilty for enjoying it as much as he did, because that wasn't what this was about, but if it helped Danny in any way, then that was all that mattered in the end.

Danny's thrusts became more erratic, and Steve watched as Danny bit his lip hard and pulled out. Watching Danny come was breathtaking, and Steve had to lick his lips to taste the drops that fell on them as Danny shuddered one last time and stilled.

He sat on Steve's chest for a long moment before sliding down until he could slump over onto Steve's body. Danny's face pressed against Steve's neck for a long moment before he sat up again, eyes trained on the open neckline of Steve's shirt.

Danny took one last, almost steady breath before moving off Steve, getting shakily to his feet and doing up his pants. Steve pushed himself to his feet, having a little trouble standing at first, though whether that was because of the plane's movements or the shaking in his legs he wasn't sure. He zipped himself back up, then wiped the last evidence of Danny's release off his face with the front of his shirt.

He looked down at the Henley, mottled with sweat, dirt, blood and now come, and pulled it over his head, going to the duffel stashed in the corner and pulling out a clean one. Once he had that on, he turned back to find Danny sitting in his seat, staring down at his hands again.

"Hey, Danny, you want some water?"

Danny nodded, so Steve grabbed a couple of bottles and handed one to Danny before sitting down again. He watched as Danny drank half the bottle in one go before recapping it, and staring down at it in his lap.

Steve took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, aiming for control, before deciding the hell with control. He reached over and took one of Danny's hands, lacing his fingers with it, and held on.

Danny glanced over at him. "He was my baby brother. It was my job to take care of him."

"I know," Steve said, leaning his head on Danny's shoulder. "I know."


Chapter 5

h50, fic, h50fic, season 5 codas, mcdanno

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