Title: 5 times Hikaru saw Daiki's web history
Characters: Hikaru Yaotome and Arioka Daiki. [Plus random people. Read if you want to know.]
Genre: Fluff/Crack
Disclaimer: Websites are not that legit.
Author's Notes: Prompt from
hsj-fic-a-thon! P.S. Don't get butthurt/over-react. UNBETA-ED.
Summary: According to Daiki "My thing is everyone's thing." which means everyone can just use his things anytime anywhere, specially his laptop. Hikaru, the number one borrower, saw something interesting in Daiki's web history...
It was a long rainy day for everyone in JUMP.
Yamada and Chinen are playing with each other's cheeks.
Yabu, Nakajima, Inoo and Okamoto are playing their instruments.
Morimoto is asleep. <-- The secret to sudden height increase!
a-and Takaki getting all cranky and arguing with the staff-san because of the lack of cable TV. How will he watch his favorite Hollywood gossip news now?
As for Hikaru, he thought of surfing the internet again... using Dai-chan's laptop.
"Hey Dai-chan! May I borrow your laptop?" beamed Hikaru as he entered the room.
Dai-chan, on the other hand, was so busy with Google Translate that he didn't even pay attention to Hikaru.
"Oi. What are you reading? Engrish again, huh?" questioned Hikaru as he tried to peek on the laptop screen.
"Hey! That was not very nice. Go away. I'll let you use my laptop. Just wait a moment while I logout my accounts." replied Dai-chan with a very unpleased tone. Seems like he was interrupted with a srs business.
Hikaru said "Sankyuuu~ I won't take long. Hehehe." as he grabbed the laptop and sat at the sofa.
Few minutes later....
"Oops. I closed the window." gasped Yaotome. "How do I go back to that page again? Ah! Ctrl + H for the history!"
Ctrl + H
Today - Wednesday, May 18, 2011
6:20 PM - YouTube - Tackey & Tsubasa - Venus
6:18 PM - freeonlinegames.jp | Circus Monkey
5:58 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Logout
5:55 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 38
5:54 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 37
5:52 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 36
5:52 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 35
5:52 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 34
5:44 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 33
[continue Page 38 down to Page 5 here]
3:44 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 4
3:43 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 3
3:41 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 2
3:40 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Page 1
3:40 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Welcome, Arioka Jones!
3:38 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Log-in
3:36 PM - Hollywood Gossip! Get the latest news about your favorite celebrities right here. | Home
3:33 PM - Google Translate [bookmarked]
3:33 PM - Learn English as easy as 1, 2, 3!
"Oh my god." Hikaru said in shock.
No work for today.
Everyone was minding their own businesses.... except Arioka and Yaotome who just entered a coffee shop.
"Hey Dai-chan! What's the latest news about Hollywood today? I saw you've been working hard." asked Hikaru with that giggling face of his.
"CHYEAAAAAH~ I'm not into gummy bears anymore." replied Arioka while doing a three-finger sign. Like a rapper, a gangsta or w/e you call it.
Dai-chan opens his laptop while Hikaru is... [look below]
O___________O;; <--- This is Hikaru's clueless face.
"A-a-alrighty yo. Better order us some food and coffee. I'll have a frappuccino... yo?" Hikaru tried to imitate Dai-chan. He did it well though.
Hikaru hurriedly opened the internet browser and pressed Ctrl + H. As he browsed
Ctrl + H
Yesterday - Wednesday, May 23, 2011
10:20 PM - Twitter [
http://twitter.com/#!/Jin_Akanishi/status/12345]10:18 PM - Twitter [
http://twitter.com/#!/Jin_Akanishi/status/12344]10:15 PM - Twitter [
http://twitter.com/#!/Jin_Akanishi/status/12343]10:12 PM - Twitter [
http://twitter.com/#!/Jin_Akanishi/status/12342]10:05 PM - Twitter / @Jin_Akanishi
"What just happened..." asked Hikaru to himself.
"In his desperation to learn English, he even stalked Akanishi-san!?"
Hikaru can't help but be bothered with Dai-chan's actions. He seemed so... desperate.
The next day, he then decided to talk to Mr. ~My name is Arioka Daiki desu~
"Arioka-kun? Yohooo~ Dai-chan?" calls Hikaru as if he was calling a dog to come to him. lol unfortunately, Daiki is not a dog but a penguin.
Arioka was nowhere to be found.
But the laptop was there and...
it was left open.
"Hohoho. Let's see what Engrish lessons he took today." trolled Hikaru.
Ctrl + H
Today - Wednesday, May 28, 2011
11:42 AM - ameblo.jp/ono-erena [Account is closed.]
11:36 AM - Tokyo News - Ono Erena to graduate AKB48
11:28 AM - Ono Erena New York - Google Search
11:24 AM - AKB48公式サイト
Hikaru replied with a single "Ohhhh.."
Then Dai-chan went out of the toilet with eyes so red as a tomato.
"I think I should call him Mr. Sentimental."
"I think... I should do something to cheer him up. I'm good at this. That won't be a problem." said Hikaru to himself as he internalizes what happened last week.
"Arioka-san! Its your turn for the photoshoot. Please be ready." yelled the staff-san.
"But before that.... hehehehe." sneaked Hikaru.
Hikaru sneaked to Dai-chan's laptop to find some interesting links that will arouse his interest.
Ctrl + H
Today - Wednesday, June 2, 2011
9:48 AM - 32435436546758678565.jpg
9:39 AM - cutegirl87634.jpg
9:35 AM - dfgrwrgfdhtrherdbdfhergsd.jpg
9:26 AM - 4r54gfdvf.gif
Hikaru clicked the very first link on Dai-chan's history....
To his surprise, he screamed "WHAT THE--". Everyone looked. Got intrigued. AND STARED AT THE SCREEN.
Then everyone had this "I saw what you did tharrrrr" look on Hikaru.
Can you guess what link he clicked?
READ: A girl wearing a bikini with a suggestive pose. This was supposed to be porn but w/e haha.
"Oh god. My beautiful eyes. I need to get this bleached. Yama-chan, you should too. a-and Morimoto-kun!" said Chinen while convincing the underaged 7.
Hikaru scrolled down the history...
Ctrl + H
Today - Wednesday, June 2, 2011
4:58 AM - 32435436546758678565.jpg
4:46 AM - cutegirl87634.jpg
4:33 AM - dfgrwrgfdhtrherdbdfhergsd.jpg
3:20 AM - 4r54gfdvf.gif
and saw the name.... "Yajima Maimi."
As everyone glared at the poor Yaotome, he tried so hard to convince everyone that it was not his doing. That, Maimi is Daiki's rumored date in the old days.
Hikaru, still in the semi-porn trauma, did not touch any gadget that day. Not even Daiki's laptop. He sat down the sofa and did the silliest things he can do...
He scratches his head.
He glared at the busy crowd.
He.... got bored.
He saw Dai-chan's laptop at the corner.
His urge of surfing the internet and troll Dai-chan's web history was a routine for him.
"Ahhhh. I can't help it. Now, let me see that web history!"
Hikaru opened Dai-chan's laptop, looked at the web history and screamed....
Unfortunately, Dai-chan started to delete his web history every now and then.
Well, Hikaru, better find yourself a new hobby.