We've fought once before. [He neglects to mention that this fight ended with him fleeing before they could finish, but oh well.] Will you lend me the sword, or not?
"My apologies. Yes. I was just listening in on your unfiltered vox-broadcast to see if you could manage to procure a blade. I've been in need of one myself since arriving, and have had little luck, though I -did- manage to locate a forge at a recent party I attended. I wish you luck in your duel, however. Affairs of honor are most important."
Well, if nothing else, our other captives may prove to be a helpful lot. I only need the sword for one fight, so with any luck it won't be difficult to procure. In any case, thank you.
Comments 16
I'm not lending my blade to just anyone, you know! How good are you?
You're dueling Armstrong? Hahahaha! Tell you what - you manage to win and then we'll talk, but I won't be holding my breath!
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