Prompt #86: Choices

Oct 10, 2008 00:25


Extra Disclaimer: I think this will be my first of probably many actual slash fics for this challenge, so I feel like I should add an extra disclaimer. The following story is NOT TRUE. Stephen is straight and happily married (SEE HERE). As far as I know, Mark is single ok he's married now, and the chances of him being straight are about 90%, depending on which sexuality scale you believe in. Aaaanyway, this is totally a work of FICTION and is not meant to slander in any way.

Title: Choices
Pairing: Stephen Drew/Mark Reynolds
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,490
Summary: "Life is all about choices, When we cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. We ourselves choose how we react to situations. We choose how people affect our mood... The bottom line: It's our choice how we live our life."
Author's Note: This story is going to take off from my fics Dugout and Seeds, in which Mark kind of has a thing for Stephen, as the beginning of my little made-up Stephen/Mark 'verse in which they're both single and questioning! Heh. (Sorry I made you so gay, Mark!)

Everything in life is about choice. Which cereal to eat for breakfast in the morning. Which radio station to listen to. Where to go to get an oil change. Who you should get romantically-involved with; who you should sleep with and then never think about again. You know, the simple things in life.

I couldn't remember how I ended up here, in Stephen's room. My brain was already a little bit slow thanks to the alcohol I had consumed, in addition to the arousal I was beginning to feel. But I did know that I was there as result of a choice, and that now I was faced with another one. To stay and see where this went, or to leave right now and never bring it up again. At this point I was sort of leaning towards the latter.

How had I ended up here?

-- 1 Week Earlier --

"Hey. Can I talk to you?"

That voice again. I would recognize it anywhere. I was putting my uniform away in my locker, minding my own business, and seemingly out of nowhere I hear him. What is it this time? Now he wants to "talk." I swear, I can't take much more of this. I need to be focusing on my game, not on my teammate.

"Uh, yeah sure," I answered him. I turned around to face him, and gulped as I saw him standing half-naked before me. God, why wasn't he wearing a shirt? And for that matter God, why are you tempting me into sin when there are so many better things you could be doing with your time?

"It's just... you look like you could use a friend. I though maybe you could come by later this week and we could talk about things? I mean, I'm not saying you're in a slump-"

"I get it. I suck right now," I said, having to cut him off. I saw him frown at my words, but I knew they were true. Things just weren't connecting for me, and they hadn't been for a while. Ironically it was my wandering thoughts, mostly brought on by Stephen, that were causing me to lose focus on baseball. I wasn't sure that going over to his place was the best way to solve things.

"Well it was just an offer. I thought maybe you'd like to hang out."

He looked genuinely disappointed that I hadn't jumped at the chance to spend time with him. That was... interesting. His offer was innocent enough, but there was something about the tone of his voice. He seemed a little more on edge than usual. Actually a lot more on edge, since nothing seemed to ever really rile him up. I felt the need to calm him down.

"No I mean, that'd be cool. We could hang out. I just want to take a break from baseball," I said.

"Alright, what do you want to do?"

"Well, do you like video games?"

He smiled at me and nodded. Then he gave me his address, and we set up a day and time for me to go over there. It was a date.

-- Present Time --

Although I hadn't known that it was a date at the time, but it sure as hell felt like one now. We had ordered a pizza, played video games for a few hours, and drank beer. It seemed eerily similar to my night with Greg, but I tried not to think about that. I was with Stephen now, and there was no way this night would end in the same result. Stephen was not that kind of guy. Then again, I had thought the same thing about Greg and... well look how that turned out.

"Mark? Are you still with me?"

"Yeah, sorry. Just blanked out there for a moment."

"Well that's good for me, cause I just beat you again!"

I looked at the television screen then and, sure enough, he had knocked my character out. If I could ever focus on the game instead of who I was playing with, I could probably actually win occasionally. This was not going to be one of those times. As I had mentioned, this was beginning to feel more and more like a date. Throughout the night we kept accidentally bumping into each other, sharing brief glances, and I swear I felt a spark of some kind of connection. And not just of the friendly type.

"I've never played this game before. You've had a lot more practice," I said.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say." He had a cocky expression now. Probably came along with the break-out season, and not just from beating a lousy player at a stupid video game.

"Do you want me to show you some of my secret moves?" he asked.

"I guess so."

I expected him to use his own controller to simply show me what combination of buttons to push, but no. He came up behind me, reached around my body, and put his hands on top of mine on my own controller. This was unexpected.

"Ok, so first when you're going for the attack, push down A and B while simultaneously holding L," he said, and he demonstrated by pushing down those buttons with my hands. He was closer to me than he'd ever been before. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, and my concentration was quickly fading away. Did he honestly think this would help me get better? I was completely lost.

He continued on but I was hardly paying attention the game any more. With his hands on mine and his body so close, it wouldn't be long before I was fully aroused. I couldn't let him see that. He would freak out and everything would be awkward between us, and he definitely wouldn't want me over any more. I knew how these things worked out.

But apparently I was wrong. Stephen removed his hands only to move them to my shoulders. "Relax," he said. "You're so tense." It sounded like a line from a cheesy porno, and it basically was.

"What about the game?" I asked. As if it still mattered.

"Don't worry about it."

His hands were moving along my shoulders now, and I actually felt him nuzzling against my neck. My stomach clenched and I felt like I was floating. This wasn't really happening, was it?

"Stephen -"

"Look," he said, cutting me off. "I know this is a sin, but I want you. I know you feel the same way."

"It's not a sin," I mumbled. It was a Freudian slip. I didn't even know I felt that way until the words had left my mouth, but then I realized they were true.

"This is very, very wrong."

"I thought you were the one making the moves on me?"

He laughed, and it was good to hear. As I was contemplating what would happen next, Stephen reached for my cheek and turned my face so that he could kiss me. It was an awkward position, but I wasn't about to complain. Everything still felt like a dream. The impossible was suddenly possible, and very, very real.

I turned my body around so that I was facing him, and I ran my hands through his hair as I kissed him slowly. It was passionate but not demanding. Both of us were exploring each other, getting used to the taste. I started to reach for his shirt, but suddenly he pulled away. I opened my eyes to look at him, and I was saddened by what I saw there. He looked scared.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm not ready to go any further," he said. I nodded in understanding. I should have known this would happen.

"It's ok. It takes some getting used to."

"You've done this before?"

"Just once. But I had thought about it for a while."

"I know what you mean," he said. I was surprised to hear that. It was somewhat comforting to know that I wasn't the only one going through this. Sexual identity crises were never fun.

"Well I guess I should go," I said, trying to make the situation less awkward. Stephen nodded and apologized once again. I got up and started towards the door, and was just about to open it when I heard him again.

"Wait." I turned around and looked at him. "Will you come over again some time? Maybe we could work this out."

"We'll see," I said, fully intending to stay away but not wanting to hurt his feelings. I still wanted him, maybe more now than ever. However, it was clear that he needed space, and I felt like I needed to move on for both our sakes. In my mind, I made the choice that whatever was between us needed to end, and I'm still trying to live with that.

I don't really like the ending, but MEH it's 2:00 a.m. and really I have class in the morning, but I don't know if I will make it. Thank you fic for taking over my brain and not letting go. >>


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