I will start out by introducing you to my friends, because you are recognized by who you associate with, and such crap.
This is Dusty. He is a crazy brown man with a yearnin' fer trouble. If he's not out doing some stupid stunt he's probably at home watching porn with his dad.
This is Eli. Eli has masterminded more idiotic pranks than I'd care to count. He's very tricksy when his girlfriend's not around, so luckily they've apparently been fused together. He'll try to act like an ass, but he's really just a giant ovary. You gotta love the Big E.
This is Emily. She is by far the coolest girl ever. Her excellent taste in books is only surpassed by her taste in music. It's rumored she's living a double life...
This is my good friend, Paris Hilton. We met while I was taking sky diving lessons in Borneo; one thing led to another, and this a picture of her from one of my wild parties
This is Jarrett and Burge- I mean Mallory. They are best friends that do everything together. You can usually find them hanging out at the V. Jarrett is a fellow Tarantino fan, and Mallory likes Simple Plan. Hahahaha. They are cool because their parents say so.
This is Sara Britt and Elian Gonzolaz. She is a social worker with a heart of gold. He is a young cuban boy with no place to call home. Together they are an unstoppable force of unmatched fury.
This is Frenchy. He is french, hence the turtle neck. But you can't blame him, he's foreign. His one redeeming quality is his appreciation for ska music.
This is Kalindi. She is a girl. She-
Well, it looks like we're out of time. Oh yeah, this is me
I'm gonna go now, but i'll be back, and next time i might actually have something to say!