Title: The Sun Pairing: Hyomin x Sunny A/N: Been wanting to write this for so long and now it's done! Sunny and Hyomin's relationship in IY is definitely something to remember even though Sunny's gone from the show. ♥
Title: Constant Pairing: JungLi A/N: A short drabble I created in 30 minutes so I apologize if it's not that good. Just something that suddenly popped up in my mind. :) Enjoy.
Title: Messed Up Pairing/s: JeTi, YulTi, TaeNy A/N: Sequel to Lie. A little different than how I wanted it to end but I can't seem to get around it without changing the plot so I didn't change it. Enjoy.
Title: Lie Pairing: JeTi A/N: Contains swearing. I'm in an angsty mood so I bring angst. I'm not satisfied at how it turned out but please do enjoy still. ^^