i hate to say this, because it will make me sound like a slut.. but the first time isn't pleasant. well, it might be for him.. but not for anyone else (aka. you).
now i'm going to sound like a cynic, but i'm stating my opinion: don't work yourself up about the whole waiting thing.. i admire that you want to wait until marriage, but i would wait until i was certain that i loved him and that i could raise a child. just in case.
i don't think you're a slut. you're just a different person than i am. and thanks. i kind of figured that, but they sure like to make it seem different in the movies, don't they?
and why are you thanking me for screening them? does that mean you don't want your comment to show up? anyway, you're welcome, although i'm not sure why i was thanked...
omg! Did u and mike have oral sex or something?! jk. nah i really cant imagine what u could have done that would be considered "too far." Are u worse than me?! oh yeah and im still a virgin. but being a virgin isnt a bad thing. think of it this way: You will never have to worry about having a baby out of wedlock.
u know i was just kidding about the oral sex thing, right?! haha. so what have u done?! is this worse than my 7-11 story?! but that has nothing to do with dating and such. hmmmmmm. u dont have to say what u did, but just tell me what it was on a scale of 1 to 10. 711 was probably a 5 or 6 on Kara's list of stupid, but non-regretful things.
I know what you mean. I know EXACTLY what you mean. And not to be discouraging, but it only gets harder the longer you stay together (which is probably a "duh", but whatever.) But yeah...I know exactly where you're coming from. I mean, James and I have been together a year and we can both see us possibly getting married after college. But I think about it and it's like "we've lasted a year, with difficulties. How can we possibly make it another 4?" We both want to, but it's 50 bajillion times tougher than I EVER would have thought. Anyway....I'm right there with you.
for the longest time i was just like "it's only sex, whatever, just get it over and done with" i really regret that. and even though my first time was with a serious boyfriend who i thought i was going to be with for awhile, it didn't turn out that way. now, even though i'm not married, i'm in love with someone who i was not a virgin for. and even though at first i didn't think it was that big a deal, i now realize that it was. even though it doesn't really bother him, it bothers me that it wasn't as special, that he knows i'm not...you know. and yes the first time was very awkward, but even in the awkwardness (excuse my cornyness) there is something special. so people will tell you the first time sucks and it's not that big a deal, but if it is someone you really love, it is a big deal. and even if you don't stay together, you'll fall in love with someone else but won't have quite the same "special moment". don't be afraid to stick to your guns. just some food for thought.
Comments 12
now i'm going to sound like a cynic, but i'm stating my opinion: don't work yourself up about the whole waiting thing.. i admire that you want to wait until marriage, but i would wait until i was certain that i loved him and that i could raise a child. just in case.
and why are you thanking me for screening them? does that mean you don't want your comment to show up? anyway, you're welcome, although i'm not sure why i was thanked...
okay. you sort of confused me. but... whatever. and yes. exactly. (to the baby out of wedlock thing)
and it's not like any one particular thing, nor was it that stupid. just... whatever.
Work. What a bummer.
thank you.
yes, work is a bummer. but now i'm officially done.
i really appreciate all of you being so honest and helpful. very cool.
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