oh, steph, i miss you so much, though!! i always read your posts, and we love getting postcards from you (they are up on our fridge, i promise!) sorry about the lack of response. anyway, when do you come back to the states? i'm hoping to be out in that part of the world this summer, and it'd be pretty awesome if you were still there too. although i dont think ill make it there till august. also, i am graduating in march, this is my last quarter, and there's a definite possibility that i might move back east after june. probably not forever, but for a little while. but i also might be back here for a few weeks in july, helping lena move into stanford. i don't really know, everything is totally up in the air and crazy right now. but we should keep in touch so we can maneuver our paths to cross at the soonest time possible. i hope you continue to have a great time, and i miss you and love you. happy new year!
I will probably be back in the states in the beginning of July. If you are still in the Maryland area, I could manouver my flight to land near you and then fly to ca a few days later or I'll see you in July. You'll be done with school so soon, how exciting! I miss you too! I hope this quarter goes better for you than last quarter. :) Love, Steph
How random is it that I just recognized your picture in the theater tech community? Interesting to catch up with your world. :) This is Kirsten from SMPAC.
Comments 12
p.s. thanks for helping me figure out icons! :)
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