i'm not really asking for special treatment or time, i'm just frustrated about my work schedule, really. and added to that i told them that i'd do one extra day a week, if it's busy, to do more orientation for pediatrics. (and the fact that one of my co-workers usually does 4 days a week, and i feel bad about that)
yoyo stephie my going away party is on saturday at mi casa 10pm ish please try to make it, even if only for a little while there's something that i want to do once everyone is here!
you should totally come to efrain's party. i'll be there, and maybe i'll keep making new rumors!!! yes! SCANDAL!
and, if you feel disconnected, all ya gotta do is call someone up and say 'hey, what's up? what's goin' on?' we all feel disconnected, and even i, the queen of the phone-haters, has picked up the phone on occassion.
you know where we are and where we live. and, you know you're always welcome, even if it's a drop-by. trust me, you won't be interrupting anything when i'm at home!
Comments 11
pick up yer telephone and call, it's easier than the internet even!
i hate talking on the phone!
or you can txt. message!
Let's all hang out sometime soon then girlie.
I want to see pictures. plan it out on a day you
have off and let us know!
treatment or time,
i'm just frustrated about
my work schedule, really.
and added to that i told them
that i'd do one extra day a week,
if it's busy,
to do more orientation for pediatrics.
(and the fact that one of my co-workers
usually does 4 days a week, and i feel
bad about that)
my going away party is on saturday at mi casa
10pm ish
please try to make it, even if only for a little while
there's something that i want to do once everyone is here!
i was planning a dual stripshow, you and me
and, if you feel disconnected, all ya gotta do is call someone up and say 'hey, what's up? what's goin' on?' we all feel disconnected, and even i, the queen of the phone-haters, has picked up the phone on occassion.
you know where we are and where we live. and, you know you're always welcome, even if it's a drop-by. trust me, you won't be interrupting anything when i'm at home!
every year I look less and less forward to it
they're more hassle than they're worth!
birthdays are great!
especially since i take off of work
for mine!
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