fspa= fab time
great roomates. seven other girls, one guy named alp, and an excellent hotel room safe.
won an honorable mention for on the spot newspaper with grace, lauren, and capt. kaitlin. if it werent for lauren, it wouldv'e been an average layout with fight club references and no story. because of her, our average layout with fight club references had an excellent story to go with it.
im rediculously tired, considering the amount of naps i took.
i dont plan on eating until the next convention, i spent so much time stuffing my face this weekend.
thank g-d there were plenty of people on the bus that were willing to eat my wheat thins and finish kaitlin's doritos.
my birthday is in eleven days! [i know i've been talking about it alot, but at least i dont go all heather on you and post a countdown everyday along with an epic picture from what my life will be like once it is my birthday]
i dont know why i used this funky cut thing. i thought it would be useful, but its seeming fairly worthelss.