Aug 31, 2014 18:40
dittochu, fortress, crobat, alakazaam, tentacruel, snubbull, eevee, lickytung, pelipper, espeon, noctowl, psa 10, gloom, weezing, gengar, moncolle, pikachu, delibird, tomypokemon, ash noctowl, kingdra, qwilfish, electrode, lanturn, corphish, zapdos, starvia, pokemon tomy, electabuzz, grimer, fearow, clefairy, seadra, remoraid, azumarill, pachiritsu, igglypuff, whismur, moncolle collection, tangela, ampharos, sunflora, chansey, politoed, takara tomy, pokemon trading cards, tentacool, marowak, voltorb, octillery, omanyte, slowking, wynaut, sandslash, flaaffy, kricketune, monkore collection, pokemonxy, mareep, golbat, ariados, hippopotas, pokemonfigures, seadot, azelf, prinplup, machoke, meowth, skiploom, dewgong, ekans, dratini, giraffig, jolteon, scyther, yanma, cleffa, psyduck, wailmer, grandbull, monkore, poliwrath, nidoran, corsola, plasma blast, stantler, deoxys, golem, archeops, slugma, clamperl, croconaw, omastar, next destinies, latios, zangoose, nidoking, machop, poochyena, gabite, cloyster, auldey tomy, staraptor, tcg, houndoom, mankey, donphan, yanmega, togetic, tomy, tyrogue, slowpoke, torterra, moltres, koffing, rhyhorn, ambipom, quagsire, kabutops, shiny noctowl, aipoms, kyogre, hariyama, pokemon psa, beautifly, machamp, ditto, rattata, poliwag, pokemontomy, sunkern, psa pokemon, gliggar, lickilicky, muk, parasect, smoochum, moncollecollection, takaratomy, xatu, arcanine, vaporeon, sandshrew, houndour, aerodactyl, swellow, seaking, meditite, absol, snobull, chinchou, golduck, furious fists, munchlax, spinark, garchomp, pocketmonsters, zubat, starly celebi, slowbro, mewtwo, magmortar, gastly, smeargle, pokemontoys, vileplume, tediursa, raichu, cyndaquil, uxie, kabuto, phanpy, nidoqueen, misdreavus, bulbasaur ivysaur venusaur charmander ch, zoroark, pokemon cards, psa pokemon cards, poliwhirl, kss, tepig, articuno, rhydon, horsea, flash fire, torchic, growlithe, leafeon, venomoth, budew, hoppip, doduo, bellosom, squirtle, bayleaf, xy, heracross, marill, spearow, magby, latias, metapod, magcargo, ninjask, venonat, ferligatr, drowzee, nintendo, steelix, mew, paras, thundurus, bellsprout, arbok, graveler, forsale, tauros, porygon 2, shellder, spinarak, pokemon, taillow, goldeen, dragons exalted, seel, shaymin, aggron, magikarp, roselia
Comments 407
I can do meganium for $7 shipped anywhere in US with tracking :) if that's fine with you. I can also take better pics upon request. As for ditto is $50
Let me know!
Can you take more pictures of the Meganium and totodile too? I wish you had a chikorita...
I will take the pics tomorrow and send them to you :3
Thank you very much!
Thank you for doing this!
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And that sounds perfect! Tho I would say make sure to check the price of the cleffas, I wouldn't want to lowball you and I don't think they're the rarest, I think they're still uncommon. :)
Also you seem to be doing very well on your own my friend! I would say check sold ebay listings and around on here for the more pricey/rare figures. :) From my experience the ebay sold listings do give a good estimate on price/worth.
Does it have any notable flaws such as messy paint, scratches, etc?
I'm very interested if it's in great condition.
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To 60124 US
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