Ass of the day: Billy he fucking keeps callin me a dyke and im definately not one it pisses me off. He keeps calling all my friends freak so i toild him to stop and he won't so i am talking to him in the hall and my friend bumps into and says hi i asked billy "do you think she is a freak?" he answers "Yes and shes a lizbien." i said "No shes bi." nad he said "well then you can date her." What the hell i am no a fucking dyke (no offence to anyone) but im not so what the hell? and today and he cames up to me and says hi les what the fuck is his problem? i am so pissed off its not even funny!
The bitch of the day: Katie i can't even explain this one she just is and i can't stand her. but yet im her friend i don't know. She knows shes a bitch but whatever and some things she says ppl is so mean i can't stand it at all!
i am so worried about the play i don't think its going to be good this year at all. but it will still be fun i mean come on the plays are so much fun. i hate those lil kid in it though they are so annyoing! but anyways yesturday was really bad i had a reaction to something and i broke out in hives and i got really itchy and my top lip puffed up and stuff and i got another one today it suxs so bad! well anyways taake care ya'll i love you all ttul
love lil Surginer