HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are eighteen! How momentous! I mean, monumental!
1. Choose five to ten of your all time favorite books.
2. Take the first sentence of the first chapter and make a list in your journal.
3. Don't reveal the author or the title of the book.
4. Now everyone try and guess! Cross them off as they're guessed correctly.
Okay, so, and not in order of favoritism, and with some missing because SOMEBODY HAS MY HARDBOILED WONDERLAND AND THE END OF THE WORLD and also because I don't own them all:
1. It was a short one-paragraph item in the morning edition.
2. What will the future bring? From time immemorial this question has occupied men's minds, though not always to the same degree.
3. "Well, then, everybody, while it's been called a river or a leftover of spilled milk, can you tell me if in fact this pale white thing is a river?" Kenji Miyazawa's Milky Way Railroad, go
4. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the earth being a formless void which darkness covered while a wind swept over the face of the waters. Genesis, again spotted by
amuk 5. Bird, gazing down at a map of Africa that reposed in the showcase with the haughty elegance of a wild deer, stifled a short sigh.
Notoriously absent are Kafka on the Shore and Hardboiled Wonderland. I am a Murakami freak.
Florida tomorrow.