1. Your favourite musician:
Tatsurou duh. Actually I like other ppls better but temporarily it is Tatsurou.
I needed to include this for comedic purposes.
2. Your favourite band:
I chose this pic b/c it includes food. OK.
3. Favourite actor:
4. Favourite actress:
5. Your favourite fast food:
Reason why I can't stop eating meat.
6. Your favourite drink:
1. Post a recent photo or describe yourself (physical appearance):
Don't have any!!
2. Where do you live (city, state/province, region or country)?:
Sacramento, CA.
3. Are your parents still alive? Write something current about your parent(s) or a last memory of them.:
Yes, they are Persian. Self-explanatory.
4. Do you have any siblings? If so, write one sentence about each of them.:
Yes, Mariam. She is older than me but looks younger b/c she's about 1'7" ... I am totally serious guys.
5. Any children or grandchildren? If so, write one sentence about each of them.
6. Any pets?
3 chickens, 2 parakeets, 1 beta fish.
7. What is your ancestry (if you can trace it to other countries)?
Persian, which basically means everything.
8. What celebrity do you look like?
Probably none.
9. If you were given the power and ability to realize one secret desire, what would it be?
10. What would you like your legacy to be - how do you want to be remembered?
Something embarrasingly nerdy.
11. When (date, year, decade or century) and where were you born?
12. Where did you live during your early childhood?
Santa Rosa.
13. What were those place(s) like?
Perfect climate.
14. What was happening in your country or in the world when you were a child?
15. What is your earliest memory?
Drinking juice from a bottle and laying down on my favorite pillow that seriously no one was allowed to touch without facing life-threatening consequences.
16. What were your parents like at that time?
A lot younger.
17. What are your fondest/least favorite memories of childhood?
I pretty much liked all of my childhood. I guess getting sick from asthma was my least favorite part.
18. Did you have one lasting ‘best friend’ or a series or group of good friends?
I had best friends until highschool where I just had a group of friends.