Feb 01, 2005 16:33
in my last post the 2 people who commented called me bad names
that wasnt very nice
it made me really sad. im to sensitive
time to be a hardass like everyone else.
Feb 01, 2005 03:11
the movie "thirteen" is rediculous
its one of the dumbest movies i have ever seen
its poorly directed poorly acted and not at all realistic
the big hype was a let-down
Jan 26, 2005 01:14
Post a memory of me in my comments...
It can be anything you want.
Then post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
Jan 12, 2005 21:56
fuckin deb on napolean dynamite is so adorable
Jan 12, 2005 06:49
i feel like drinking tonight i might call some of you at work and see if you want to.
Jan 01, 2005 04:33
guess whos back bitches..... come back right in time for you not to completely forget me..
Oct 26, 2004 13:37
my mom wants to move out so she shut off my phones and stuff so no more internet for a while :( sorry guys have fun with out me.
Oct 19, 2004 18:56
List change of people back i got -alex, +jessica wood
i love them to death but they broke my number one rule, and it was told straight out if they broke no more.
if they appologize and promise never to do it again they're back on.