Rainy days...

Dec 07, 2004 14:14

I got up today just before the alarm went off. I really didn't want to go to school. I tried to get Nikki up because I knew she would make me go. But she didn't want to get out of bed, and she looks so beautiful sleeping ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

blkmge42 December 7 2004, 19:38:58 UTC
You're added.

I'm added.

I am bored, and stuff...



blkmge42 December 7 2004, 22:19:16 UTC
To comment on this, I would like to say the following.
I would like to take this moment to say blah.



blkmge42 December 7 2004, 22:19:49 UTC


blkmge42 December 7 2004, 22:20:13 UTC
Sorry, I am weird.



Stick it out babe yin_twin December 8 2004, 01:14:45 UTC
A lot of the time life just sucks really bad for no reason in particular. But, as you've noticed, it gets better after a while too. I don't want to do it anymore either, but then, I'd rather stick around for a while and see what I can learn. Can't do that if you're dead, right?



sistersam December 8 2004, 09:28:18 UTC
I've had many of days like that. Wondering why i'm here. Why do i do what i do? Why do i have to do this...i just want to stay in my nice warm bed, in my nice warm blanket, on my nice warm pillow, and just stay there forever. Why do anything else? But there's so much more out there...the good thing is you get to get up and do it all over again. Everytime you think that...you realize something else wonderful out there when you finally do get out of bed...but if you're like others and just stay there and sleep your life away...you'll never see what other beautiful things are out there.


slapnutrob December 9 2004, 01:27:23 UTC
Welcoming of death? That's pretty heavy man... stay off the bottle.


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