Long, Dim Road Part II

Oct 02, 2005 23:26

Saturday in Chicago.

Woke up later than I had hoped. Superhostess Extrodinaire, my aunt Julie, had laid out towels for Misti and I to use when we showered. Wicked awesome.

So we got ready and then Misti and I decided to go out with the coolest cousin ever, my cousin Emilie. Originally we were going to go to downtown and walk around and have random adventures. Unfortunately not knowing the train schedule changed our plans.

Luckily Emilie knew about a Giordano's that was close to her house, so with a little directional help from Emilie and Julie (via phone) the three of us got pizza. Not just any pizza. It's impossible to explain to anyone who hasn't had it just how superior Chicago pizza is. Just take my word for it. I paid the tab since I'm both the best cousin ever and the best friend ever.

After that we decided to go shopping. In another stroke of luck, Emilie also happens to live about five minutes from the second largest mall in the US. So we went there.

After we got in, Misti got bombarded by the super-salesman who proceeded to try to shove some nail care thing on both Misti and Emilie. I couldn't tell whether Misti was genuinely intrigued or being raped by her own politeness, but she wound up getting talked into one. I drug us away before he could talk Emilie into it. Too bad he didn't realize I probably would've been the easiest mark of the three of us since I'm definitely the prissiest. Heh.

More shopping later I think Misti wound up with a new outfit. I wound up with a shirt that Emilie and Misti picked out for me that is incredibly badass. I felt a little bad Em didn't get anything. We all had a good time though. We wandered around forever. By the time we realized what time it was it was already time for Misti and I to leave for the Tossers show.

So we hurried back to Julie and Emilie's and then got ready really quickly, then headed to DeKalb for the show. Misti got paranoid that we were lost when we started driving through cornfields outside of Chicago, but I am the master of directions so I was right on track. The venue in DeKalb was even cooler than the Rockford show. And definitely a better place for shows since it had more open floor space.

We sat in the back and watched the opener's set (I forgot their name). It was actually a pretty decent bit. Nothing special, but pretty good for a small show opener. Then after their set we moved up front.

The Tossers, as always, were phenominal. Aaron, as always, got pissed about the sound. I guess they didn't have Aaron's mic up so it was impossible to hear his whistle, unless you were next to his part of the stage (which we were). Since I gave Misti so much crap about making me miss two of my favorite songs to get her another beer Friday night she only asked me to hold things for her tonight during their set. Aaron on the other hand had me fetch him drinks twice. Misti later told me sincerely that she considers me a "fetchin' bitch." Let me tell you how thrilled I was to be described as such by my best friend.

Aaron cracked me up though. He was so ticked about the sound half the time he'd just stop in the middle of the song and go do something else. He's one of my favorites, definitely. Him and Dan, because Dan's extremely nice and friendly to everyone who's talked to him so far.

After Friday I guess Tony felt like he had to explain to the crowd they had to do new songs and so said, "Don't worry, we'll play all the old stuff too." I thought it was kinda lame of people that he felt a need to say that.

After the show we got invited to go back to Clay's house and hang with the band and some other people. So we went. I don't really know what all to say or describe it. Kinda awkward at first. Then Dan talked to us for a while and that made Misti and I more comfortable I think.

There was lots of drinking (not by me), lots of conversation, and lots of Tony, Becca's dad, and Becca's boyfriend playing old Irish folk songs. It was a pretty good time. Aaron spent a long time hitting on Misti. Everyone seemed to think she and I were together even when told otherwise.

Finally around 6am we drove back to Palatine and crashed out.

We woke up, ate an *amazing* breakfast Julie made us. It's making me hungry just thinking about that.

After we ate we said our goodbyes and drove back to Martinsville. On the way back there was a massive downpour that slowed the drive down a couple hours at least. We saw a car spin off the interstate right in front of us and stopped to check on them. I tried to help push them out but couldn't get them out. They were physically alright and had a cell phone so we got back in our car and moved on.

That's as much of that story as I can remember right now.
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