I copied
shaunathan and took the Which Lost Character Am I-type quiz
You scored 51% kindness, 60% courage, 50% seedy past, and 43% secretiveness!
"Hope is a very dangerous thing to lose."
You are Sayid. You are kind, strong, brave, and intelligent. You have a tragic past that the others know little about. You, like Jack, are a born leader, but you are content to let him get most of the spotlight. You are always there to aid in times of need, but you are also smart enough to realize not all people are inherently good.
Your polar opposite is:
Ethan Rom.
You are similar to:
Jack and
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on kindness
You scored higher than 99% on courage
You scored higher than 99% on seedy past
You scored higher than 99% on secretiveness
The Which Lost Character Are You Test written by
ack_attack on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
The Dating Persona Test