True, my pants stayed up for the entire performance. BUT, as the overture went on apace, perhaps two minutes into it, a really LOUD noise took us all by surprise, followed by the sound of rope straining against secure holds. Those of us stage right at the time peered over to see one of the techs furiously pulling on a rope as he tried to get -something- back into position before it came time to open the main curtain. That something turned out to be the fire curtain. I joked with
suntop that we should keep a sharp eye out when onstage near the proscenium, because our stage might suddenly vanish for safety reasons.
Our performances had energy, but it simply lacked the intensity one would hope for on video night. But again, the pants stayed up, the hair didn't misbehave...much. But my intensity just wasn't all there. At one point I was about to head out to places when I noticed my feet were simply too comfortable. I don't think period dress included New Balance lowtops. I changed into my stage shoes.
During the dead-time I managed to finish the second book of Narnia and get a good bit into the third, of which I have precious little memory beyond the first two chapters. I might opt for a different book Friday night, just to change things up a bit. Some nonfiction might be in order.
In other news, I have my audition time for BSR. Now, to iron out the kinks in the oratorio piece, and keep the Gershwin fresh.