my dream

Jun 07, 2005 15:56

This is the dream I just had. I've typed in the way that I remember it and makes sence to me. It doesn't really make sence, but this is most of what happened.

I had this dream where I had a lot of sex with my girlfriend but then later she was taller and white and with the blonde hair but somehow still the same person as before, I shot a hippo but it didn't die so we had to make it look like to was drinking all our alchol so the ranger wouldn't be mad and then tried to have more sex in the front of some car at my grandmother's old house when the hippo got mad and we ran, suddenyly a bunch of my friends and I were looking for some place away from the cops so we could shoot each other in public with these air soft guns but it was getting dark and we had to get home where I ran into Scott and I was able to get him to go with us on this trip for the week, we all went to meet Homer Simpson who was leading us over a mountain and after the peek it was a straight drop onto a choo-choo train from the Nut-Tree but he died and became Solid Snake-Homer, and finally I was somehow born a ninja this whole point of my dream was to get to some training place and be trained by these old chinese guys one of which seriously wanted to kick my ass while I was carrying pales of water over to the fish but then Sub_Zero was the Ice God and we were fighting in the Tenkaichi Budokai on this large mat held together with string and if you fell you lost so Johnny Cage shadow kicked the frame to make Zangeif Fall and lose.
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