
Dec 21, 2004 12:13

So here's the deal.

After I got home from taking the test yesterday, Sean gives me a call and proposes a celebratory lunch in downtown Rockville, which I'm all for, but it means missing frosting xmas cookies with my mom and my brother. Oh well, you only get one celebratory lunch the day of, so I took the Honda and went downtown.

While at Potbelly, Sean, David and I made plans to chill at Sean's later that night, since this was the only time this week that we could possibly do so.

So I come home and tell my mom what the deal is, but she says that I can't go. Why? Because in the morning, she was leaving early with my brother to go up to Whitetail for the day, and she was expecting me to go with them. Furthermore, she didn't want to pick me up early and then go from Sean's straight up to Mercersburg.

Let me say something here, before I get any further into this. This whole time that my brother had been wanting to go, I thought it was so he could get some skiing in over break, and my skiing would be next week with Sean, David and Steven, so from the outset, I wasn't planning on going up to Whitetail, partly as well because I had (and still have) a lot of work to do on this huge paper that's due after the break.

However, she somehow got the impression that I was the one pushing this trip the whole time? Whatever, not sure how that happened.

So I say, what if I can find a way to get home without you having to come pick me up?

She says that's fine, but you would miss going to Whitetail. I say okay, I wasn't planning on going anyway.

From here, things went severely downhill. She gave me this rant about how she didn't feel like I wanted to be part of the family, and that Matt was going to be let down, stuff like that. Whatever, he's faster than me, and I don't want him to spend the whole day waiting for me to get down the slope.

So then my dad comes home, and sometime after dinner, he asks me whether or not I'm going skiing. I say no, and he demands to know why not, and I say that I'm going to go chill with Sean and David. Then he launches into the same speech as my mom, and says that somehow the only reason that my cousin Jenny was going with them was that I was going to be there so she's backing out, so Matt's going to be by himself, and I don't care if you can get a ride home or not, you're not going to Sean's.

Then I say how I would much rather have fun with my friends than ski at a place with no snow and get shown up by Matt all day. His response was that I would be with them all of next week, and my response to that was that I would be skiing all of next week, and his response was that if I go to Sean's now, I do so at my own peril.

So I think, Well, no problem, I'll just hide my guitar so he can't take it, which is his usual response to this sort of thing.

After I found the hours of the Edgar Allen Poe house for to get there to do some research for my paper (to which my dad asked why I would bother and why my mom should take me), Sean got to my house and drove me over to his, blasting U2 the whole way there.

Okay. The next fourteen hours or so were spent:
-Waiting for David to get there... ended up waiting a good hour and a half because Casey took forever to drive there.
-Somehow unknowingly yoinking three extra movies from Hollywood Video.
-Watching The Others, which was actually a pretty crucial movie.
-Discussing marketing ploys for iPods.
-Hitting up Original Pancake House and trying to keep my arteries from exploding.

So then Sean drops me off at my house. I come inside and I find my note about when the Poe house is open sitting on the kitchen table next to a note from my mom that said I should find directions. I looked at my note again and saw that something had been written and then erased. After closer examination, it seems that my dad wrote near "Poe House hours: Wed-Sat, Noon-3:45pm, Happy skiing, Stevo", "So what, have Sean drive you."

So I'm thinking, What a dick, that was totally unnecessary.

And then I thought, DRIVE you. DRIVE YOU. Shit, he wasn't going to take my guitar, he was going to not let me drive anywhere. For a long time. Which is not good at all, because I still have to do a lot of shopping. Shit, or he's going to capitalize on this "hate-on-Stevo's-friends" thing and keep me at home next week and say things like "You had your time over break away from this family last Monday night." God DAMMIT. I guess I won't know for sure until he gets home though.

So I get on the computator to check my eBay, email, you know, whatever, and just for the hell of it, I check out the webcams at Whitetail. This is what I get:

I think to myself, Shit, that kid looks familiar...

That's my brother in the red, and it might be my cousin near him.

So now I feel like crap. I mean, hanging out with Sean and David is all well and good, but considering that other than the movie yoinkage and the pancakes, we didn't really do much of anything. Then I see this. This is about as good of a skiing day as it gets at Whitetail, and come to think of it, I really wouldn't mind skiing today.

So let's see where I am: Feeling incredibly guilty about maybe letting my family down in favor of an average night out, having nothing to do now but work on my APUS paper (which I probably won't do), maybe presentless come Saturday, possibly not skiing next week, and probably not driving for a long time...

...and let's see where I could be: Cold, skiing and happy, with my dad not pissed and bitter at me, and driving to Sean's en route to the condo on Sunday after having received xmas presents from my family.

I wish I hadn't been so stupid.
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