Title: Not Exactly Wish Fulfilment
stfu_pwentzzPairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In an angel ruled society Dean Winchester hated angels. Naturally he fell for one. Aladdin AU
Disclaimer: This is an act of fiction. I don’t own any of the characters just the plot.
”text” )
Comments 2
One, he told Sam never to call him while he was in town on the off chance Uriel was around. And two, Uriel just happened to be around them when it rang.
*snort* LOL!
Dean turned to the man. “Okay, follow me if you wanna live.”
The man looked confused. “Live?”
Dean groaned. “Just come on,” he yanked on the man’s arm and made a run for it. He chanced a look behind them and of course Uriel was gaining. Thank God for the no teleportation in town law. One good thing those good for nothing angels did.
LOL! Is that a Terminator reference I see?
LMAO! Of course, Gabriel would be the perfect genie.
“I’m hoping they get it out of their system now and we can have some peace and quiet in this place,” Dean told him. He looked over and Sam was making the bitchface at Gabriel and all ( ... )
Also, one of my favorite lines that made me crack up the most:
“Cas what? What…what are you doing?”
Cas looked up and Dean scoffed at his brother. “What are you my sassy gay brother?”
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