[You might recognize the face of one Vanessa Nightray on the Dreamberry screen.Of course, if you've seen it in the last few weeks, it was only due to
two very
annoying and very rude interlopers. But she's not asleep any longer. No, she's very much awake
Read more... )
So Vincent finds himself taking a little stroll through the hallways of their shared home, cracks open the door to her room, and simply stands in her doorway, his eyes bright with merriment.
He says nothing at all, just waits.]
My father...he would never! He - he couldn't have honestly-! He cared about Elliot!
[He does give her a little shake, then, but far more gentle than her treatment of him.]
Stop to think for a minute. What really mattered to that man?
[He won't call him father. He won't call him Duke Nightray, either, now. Neither of those are names he deserved.]
[She wants to raise a hand to strike him, but his words are cutting too deep for her to be able to react to them in any ways that's familiar to her.]
Don't you understand?! Don't you get that the only thing we had was each other?!
[Our mother. He shouldn't say it that way, and yet he does. That's a whole different matter.]
He had other things! Ambitions!
You're wrong...you're wrong! You're wrong! Get away from me, Vincent!
[He drops his tone, now. His voice goes quiet, but there's no less passion behind it, even so.]
Believe what you want. But don't tell me who destroys the family name. I might destroy a lot of things, but that name isn't tainted by me.
He doesn't.
He simply shakes his head and walks away.]
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