someday they will come...

Aug 23, 2004 19:24

so today my dad and me went to the Strand and saw Open Water!!! not a SUPER good movie but it was alright... my dad enjoyed it... so thats a plus!!! tomorrow im getting my hair done at hair excitement... then dereks comin home wednesday... YAY even though its only for a day but still i love him so much and i cant wait to see him!!! schools comin up ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

teenykristini August 23 2004, 21:54:47 UTC
Hey! its krissy, ((you know, ryans gf duhhh)). Well I saw that you looked at my info and i didn't know you had an LJ! So I'm gonna add you... okay?!


cool cool sthernbell07 August 25 2004, 08:05:33 UTC
thats cool... truthfully i had no idea who you were but thats cool... ttyl!!!


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