It's funny. I randomly did the one I posted to Del's LJ on a complete whim. Since it DOESN'T MATCH THE VERSION THAT WAS ACTUALLY GOING AROUND AT THE TIME I feel compelled to fill THAT one out for the sake of consistency. That's this.
I AM Numi, aka
I PLAY Bandou Mitsuru [
bicycloptic], Delirium [
mmmdots], Yukimi [
stickynoteninja], Dancy [
justaddbeowulf], Belphegor [
itsstormmink], Kirima Nagi [
OOC/CONCRIT ISSUES Pleaaaaase tell me if you have a problem or concrit to offer me. Especially the latter; as confident as I am in my characters, receiving valid crit will only help me improve and it tells me that people care enough about how I play X or Y to bother critting me. I don't visit the concrit comm or do HMD memes, but I've got a future-dated concrit post up in each character journal. Very easy to find! As I said before, anon is off and IP logging is on which I know may deter some, but it's not its purpose. PMing me is also fine, and so is email. I'm a very reasonable person as long as you don't scare me witless when approaching me about stuff. Aaaand I can't promise I'll change my play to exactly how you critted, but I will definitely take it into consideration and try to make amendments in a reasonable manner. The two times I have received crit, I ended up finding them both valid and did take them to heart. So ♥.
CONTACT METHODS I use AIM [Numikins], email [] and IRC the most. I am usually nicked to Delirium or Belphegor, though you will find me nicked to my other characters. (Look for Yukimi or Bandou^Mitsuru first, theeen Dancy or Kirima^Nagi.) I am always in #campfuckudie, #thatspotbythecouch, #babydragon, #shunshunderejutsu, and #uhoairgear.
TIMEZONE FUN Central! (Pssst, that's one hour BEHIND Eastern.) My schedule kind of varies. I'm usually up till all hours of the night on weekends, but a lot of times you won't find me online past 8pm on weekdays. Sometimes I get lucky, but usually I don't.
CLIQUES, JUMPING, THREAD-DROPPING ETC I don't thiiink I'm in any cliques, but I did notice I tend to thread with a lot of the same characters/players. IDK. My first character here is in a big cast that shares a chan with another big cast. It's easy to fall into step like that. But I like jumping new characters and people! My lineup is about half extrovert, half introvert. Some are really hard to branch out socially. And sometimes I really suck about jumping other characters. I can't think of what to say or it's a bad opp to jump them or I just plain never see them out anywhere. Or maybe my character's the one who needs to be approached. Just jump me or talk to me OOCly and we can figure things out?
And I forgot. Lately I've been very thread-droppy. I usually keep the email notifs in my inbox till I've replied to those comments, but it's easy for me to forget or feel blocked or whatever. It's not you, it's me! Feel free to poke me if it's been a while and you want to continue it.
COMFORT LEVELS I hate stepping on people's toes! I absolutely hate it! I'm also an oblivious dork who sometimes doesn't realize I've crossed the line till my boots are on the other side. Derp. Help me not do that by communicating with me, and I'll do my best to pay uber attention to your characters' permissions/stats memes and other stuffs. ♥ As for me, I'm middle of the road when it comes to crack vs serious. Delirium is there for everything; dark, light, Tezuka macros, glass dick inhalations, everything. Belphegor and Dancy are my dark, violent ones. Everyone else is... /handwave. I'm not big on extreme mauling and killing, and I try to be considerate of my castmates when it comes to shit happening to or caused by my characters, but there may be times where I'd be up for it. I don't really do romance stuff with the characters I play here, but if things develop that way, then sure.
And. Yes. I offer to beta a lot. While not the most thorough I can nitpick and grammar nazi you and give you an idea of Things That Might Get You Voted Out. I tend to prefer the app displayed in an LJ entry or pasted directly into the email body. Not so big on GoogleDocs, but if need be I'll go with that. I just really dislike gmail and only use it for real life work stuff and it has my real name in it so. Yes. I always get back to everyone at least once. Guaranteed. Even if it... takes me a week or two. I keep all apps in a 'camp apps' folder and sometimes ignore it until there's a week or less before a voting weekend.
As for apping! I app every few rounds. I always app male-female-male-female, and I do like finding new characters to app. I have a whole list of potential characters to app. Right now, however, I'm not aiming to app anyone else who needs more than 15 icons till I am financially stable. Begging for paid time for too many journals rests a bit heavily on my conscience.
POSTING AND MEMES I run posts now and then, usually Delirium posts. Occasionally I post with my others. As for in the character journals, let's just say that I really like memes where people ask me stuff but I also don't like spamming the network. Durr.
ESSAYS I have several essays in mind! And I've done two on Delirium! Aside from that, if we're talking short essay, yeah sure. I can be really ADD, though.
AUing No one's ever asked and I don't feel comfortable asking most of the time. But ask! I'll probably say yes! No to sexytimes if it's with Delirium or Dancy. That's just... no.
OTHER COMMENTS I've officially become a CFUW addict. Both as a player and as a soon-to-be shepherd. [flails] Is there a support group for this?