so did i mention i almost drowned myself in the shower this morning
RIGHT SO ... got up early to take a shower. and by 'early' i mean like five minutes before I usually get up on Wednesdays. I felt pretty okay! Grabbed my clothes and towel and headed into the bathroom, used the toilet, removed my pad (because I'm on my period. this will be important in a moment), and got in the shower!
WASH MY HAIR, CONDITION MY HAIR, EVERYTHING'S COOL! i'm a little sleepy because the water is nice and warm and relaxing but I keep on going! no problems!
Then I start brushing my teeth and ... it gets a little weird. Like, the toothpaste tastes intense. super intense. so i spit it out and try to rinse but it starts BURNING MY MOUTH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST and suddenly my head goes through the roof and I can't see shit. It is true that I have hilariously low blood pressure, and I've hurt myself before when I go partially blind and lose most of my motor skills after getting up too quickly from bed, or even getting up too quickly from the couch! Sometimes it can ever take a few seconds to kick in but ... usually not five minutes or so.
SO ANYWAY i'm on my hands and knees in like five inches of nasty period bath water (which I also dropped my toothbrush in O WELL) and have a few moments where I think I'm going to pass out face down in the water and drown myself but. APPARENTLY I COULD STILL SEE ENOUGH TO TURN OFF THE SHOWER AND STUMBLE OUT.
After I think I've regained most of my motor skills i comb my hair and put on my undies and junk and ... my uterus decides today is the day to break out the MIND NUMBING PAIN. so I try to go lay down for five minutes and motherfucker is going strong so I break out the heating pad and unadvised amount of aspirin and skip first period to study for Girly Sobbing In My Room 101.
my life.